
Everything you need to know about feedback

Feedback is any information we receive as a result of our actions. 

We are giving and receiving feedback whether we like it or not, it is part of being human :)

Below, you will find a collection of tools and articles on the subject of feedback. Learn the mindset of Feeding Forward, close the feedback loop, dive into mindsets, strategies and checklists to give and receive feedback. Happy Learning!

Introduction to Feedback: What, Why, How?

What is Feedback? What is the point of Feedback? What is a Feedback Loop? Come and explore an introductory piece on the topic of Feedback - …

Receiving Feedback

Questions and answers on a range of receiving feedback topics. Why receive feedback? Is all feedback useful? Should I seek feedback? Should I always act on the feedback I receive? Explore the thoughts within …

Receiving Feedback Checklist

How do I get the most out of the feedback I receive? I have created a small checklist to help me approach receiving feedback with the right mindset, as well as ensuring I work towards the correct outcome. Read on …

Unofficial Feedback Teams

Whose perspectives really matter to our goals? Is the voice of everyone equally relevant to my objective? Unofficial Feedback Teams help us receive the most pertinent information for our goals, instead of a cacophony of chaotic noise. Learn more …

How do I ask for Feedback?

Have you clarified the objective of the feedback? Receiving effective feedback is not a guarantee, we need to approach the conversation with clarity and purpose so that we can have the best chance of meeting our goals. Explore a simple template I use when I ask for feedback.

Giving Feedback

Why is giving feedback important? How to give feedback? We are all giving feedback whether we want to or not. Dive into my thoughts and checklist for giving feedback effectively and intentionally …

Mindset for Giving Feedback

A key element to giving effective feedback is ensuring we have the right mindset to empower and support, as opposed to weaken and blame. Describe, don’t prescribe, Listen, Together and Uniqueness - a wee list to help us approach feedback with the right mindset.

Five-Word Feedback

What is a tool to give quick and succinct feedback? Five-Word Feedback is a tool we can use to be clear and direct with our feedback. The strategy provides a clear structure, which facilitates easy and effective feedback.

Barriers to Giving Feedback

What gets in the way of giving feedback? Giving feedback is a vital skill, regardless of where you are, what you are doing, or the role that you have. Often, however, we shy away from providing others with our perspective, ideas and knowledge because of Time; Fear; Uncertain How To Deliver; Value of my Feedback; Quality. Explore the barriers within …


Am I making progress? Am I stressed? Am I doing the right thing? Self-Feedback is an opportunity to consciously look into ourselves; assessing our progress, understanding our strengths and exploring what yet needs to be done! It is tool to ignite our self-talk and is vital for improvement.


Improve your Feedback with me

If you would like to continue exploring the Foundations of IMprovement, then do feel free to join me at one of my upcoming workshops or get in touch.

Helping Postgraduate Students and Young Professionals Improve