
I played a great game of squash. 

I facilitated that workshop very poorly. 

I made an okay dinner.

Hello Reader,

We are giving feedback to ourselves all the time; sometimes consciously, often subconsciously. For me, I am most aware of it while playing sports; ‘move your feet, Jono!’ Good shot, let’s do that again ;)’ ‘Concentrate, focus, let’s pick it up here …’ Self-Feedback can crop up after a conversation; ‘oooooh, I shouldn’t have said that.’ or after receiving a high grade, ‘unexpectedly awesome, I will have to study like I did for that again.’ Our daily lives are riddled with Self-Feedback.

Reader, briefly ask yourself, what subconscious or conscious feedback have you given yourself today?

The Self-Feedback exercise is an opportunity to take our conscious feedback to the next level; an active moment of self-reflection. The tool can help us deliberately understand the strengths we have, the areas we can improve, the achievements we have made and the steps still to take. Giving ourselves feedback helps us measure the progress we are making towards our goals.


Self-Feedback Template.png

Values In Action - Strengths: This tool was designed my Martin Seligman, founder of Positive Psychology. Click the link and head over to learning your core strengths.


Self-Feedback Example.png

Voila, a simple structure we can use to give ourselves feedback. Please feel free to adapt this tool to your life (and let me know what changes you would make!). For me, it gives me the opportunity to actively assess my progress and understand what strengths and ways forward I can implement as I work towards my goals.

Wishing you introspective enjoyment!

Helping Young Professionals & Postgraduate Students Improve