I work with Captains of Sports Teams, as well as Leaders from all other walks of life. I offer coaching in the following areas …
Coaching sessions to help you build confidence in your leadership.
£70 per Session
Coaching sessions to help you build the muscles of your emotional intelligence so that you can work with your emotions.
£70 per Session
Psychometric tools to help you improve your leadership and emotional intelligence.
Explore your Emotional Intelligence (EI) with the EQi-2.0.
The report looks at five key areas of EI; Self-Perception, Self-Expression, Interpersonal Relationships, Decision Making and Stress Management.
Dive into your personality with Lumina Learning’s Spark Personality.
The portrait looks at our preferences and traits, but unlike most psychometric tools, it does not box us into a particular lens or type, but instead acknowledges you can have a tendency to both sides of personality, for example being both extraverted and introverted.
I am based in Edinburgh, UK, and am happy to meet in person or work virtually.
Frequently Asked Questions
Let us begin by looking at the meaning of the word ‘coach.’
The root of this word refers to the four-wheeled carriage that was invented, in Kocs, Hungary, in the mid-sixteenth century, to carry passengers to their destination in an efficient and rapid manner. In the centuries that have followed, the term ‘coach’ has been further appropriated within the transportation industry, and is now synonymous with a railway compartment or a bus. All of these vehicles have a common purpose; to transport someone from their starting point to their destination. Taking this one step further, a coach, in the professional sense, can be defined as an individual who supports someone on their journey from where they are to where they want to be.
Read that last sentence again :) One more time. Thank you!
Now, let’s turn the word ‘coach’ into a verb. Coaching is the action of making that journey from starting point to destination, where you, the coachee(s), and I, the coach, purposefully aim to realize your dream. This means looking at your current reality: what is happening in your life right now, what are you experiencing, what is at your core? We follow this by asking: where do you want to be? Paint a picture of your ideal self, describe your dream, articulate your aspirations. Then, we map out a route to get you from your starting point to your destination.
This is coaching - active pursuit of your vision! Throughout all of this, you will see a central theme; that coaching is centered around you - your life, your ideas, your drive, your dreams.
Have fun and happy doing!
Why coaching? Why should you sign up for coaching? Hmmm, that sounds too sales-like. I am not here to convince you to spend your money on coaching; if it is right for you, then it is right for you.
So, to rephrase, why does someone decide to work with a coach?
A key reason is that we get stuck. We are in a rut, our tires are spinning, but we are not moving anywhere. A coach provides a different perspective, accountability and clarity, all of which provides the extra traction and momentum to help us move forward towards our objective. Some themes of coaching are listed below:
Sense of Self Self-Esteem Leadership Career Change
Life Purpose Stress Relationships Public Speaking
Stop a Bad Habit Faith Performance Time Management
Health Work/Life Balance Emotional Management Mental Health
Exams Change Self-Confidence Fitness
*Your reason for coaching is unique to you. It may fit under one of these headers, it may not, but if it is important to you, then it is worth pursuing!
Coaching is a tool to help you along your path. Just as chains can be used to gain traction up an icy hill, coaching can be used as that additional energy to make headway.
A final note; being stuck may be the most common reason for coaching, but even more foundational is the idea that if you want to improve, if you want to get better, if you want to strive for something, then coaching can help you on that path.
Have fun and happy doing!
Let’s dive into the role of a coach.
To begin, I define a coach as an individual who supports someone on their journey from where they are to where they want to be. Specifically, my role is to be a vehicle to your success - a sounding board to the music of your soul. My goal is to coach myself out of a job.
For me, the coach’s role as support is articulated by a zeal to serve - it is your vision that we are aiming to accomplish. My mindset is that you are fully capable of making this journey on your own, but together, we can make the path smoother, straighter and swifter. To do this, I provide three things; a space to discuss where you are on your journey, active listening and thoughtful questioning to determine your direction and destination, and tools to accomplish all of this independently.
Allow me to expand on these three points.
Firstly, as a coach, I provide a safe space for us to explore the swirling currents of your inner world, where we can envision your dream, feel the tension, and discuss what challenges and obstacles are in front of you.
Secondly, I listen and I hear, I question and I challenge, so that we can take purposeful strides towards your goal - this is about learning what your box is so that we can start thinking outside of it.
Thirdly, I provide you with tools to guide your steps, find the resources you need, and to build the mindset that allows you to walk the path of your choosing.
Have fun and happy doing!
Let’s explore the role of a coachee - your role.
A coachee is much more than a client, or customer, or user, or consumer, who is just a vague entity on the other end of an app or dining at a restaurant. No, a coachee is You, and you are full of discoveries, experiences, ideas, and dreams. You are an entire world unto yourself; with life, growth, decay, sunshine, beauty, turmoil and creation all interwoven inside of you. And it is your role to bring all of Yourself to the coaching relationship.
Within this mindset, there are two components which contribute most significantly to your effectiveness as a coachee; Preparation and Drive.
Firstly, considering preparation, it is your responsibility to come to coaching with a destination in mind. Coaching revolves around the coachee - it is your journey we are on, therefore it is up to you to define where we are going and what we are exploring. However, the specifics of the vision can vary wildly, for example, the goals can be broad, such as, to understand yourself better, find direction in life, seek to improve one’s relationships, become more independent, gain self-confidence, manage stress, etc. Conversely, your destination could be specific; pass this exam, find an investor, better your posture, spend more time with the family, etc.. The key point here, my friends, is that you have to have a reason to sign up for coaching, but that reason can range from undefined to very defined.
Secondly, a coachee has to be driven - you have to want to reach your destination! A coaching journey is not easy. In fact, it is probably going to be very challenging, for if you could do it on your own, you would perhaps not be exploring the need for a coach ;). There will be rough seas to sail, deserts for you to cross, uncharted trials for you to discover, and desserts for you to resist. My role, as a coach, is to support your journey, but it is up to you to be the engine and propel yourself forward. The key point is that it is your responsibility to give every ounce of effort you possess to realizing your vision!
The more you put into coaching, the more you get out of it …
Have fun and happy doing!