How to ask for Feedback?

Hello Reader,

I don’t have a specific formula of how to ask for feedback, each person requires a bespoke approach. That being said, in any situation, I make sure I clarify the purpose of the feedback and the points I am looking for. Someone cannot give you thoughtful critique if they don’t know what the outcome is. Let’s do a little experiment …

Take One: please give me feedback on the following slide.

Bad Slide for Feedback Image.png

Take Two: the purpose of this slide is to demonstrate to my students what a poorly designed presentation looks like. 

The key points of feedback I would like to know are the following; what is your first impression, what emotion(s) does it make you feel, and are there enough elements on there for my class to discuss poor design? If you have any thoughts on how to make the slide worse or any other comments, I am all ears and ready to listen! Big thank you :) 

As you can see, clarifying the purpose of your feedback can make a big impact! Sharing your goal ensures that you are receiving relevant information. 

Your Turn: use this template to define 3 - 5 things you want feedback on.

Asking Feedback Checklist.png

Well done, you are now ready to go ask for some relevant and specific feedback!

Happy Doing!

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