How do I Receive Feedback?

Mindset Checklist

Hello Reader,

Whether I have asked for feedback or it has arrived unexpectedly, I have a couple key elements on my checklist which I aim for in every situation.


  • Learning Mindset - I think to myself; ‘what can I learn from this conversation?’ I do my utmost to listen actively, really paying attention and being open to what the person is telling me.

  • Understanding - I want to make sure I have clearly understood what the person is telling me. If there are any aspects which are unclear, I ask questions to ensure I have grasped their idea.

  • Express my Gratitude - I am very thankful when someone shares their perspective as it is not always easy to give feedback. 

  • Reflect on my Course of Action - once the conversation is over, I take the time to think through the feedback and decide if I want to incorporate the new information into my life.

Voila, four simple points to help guide my receiving of feedback.

Happy doing!

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