Why are you Improving? Check-In
Hello Reader,
With any improvement goal, we want to start off by exploring the why; what are the reasons you want to improve in this area or better this thing?
It is not difficult to be compelled to improve something for the wrong reasons. An example is physical appearance; trying to improve my weight, clothing, hair, etc. because I am comparing myself with others and society is urging me to look a certain way. So, when we go about improving, we want to ensure we are approaching it from a place of authenticity and committing to the task for the right reasons.
Reader, the right ‘Why(s)’ for improving are completely in your hands. I urge you to just be curious, explore your inner threads, understand if the motivation is coming from an internal source or if an external source is pushing you to improve.
The aim is to learn about yourself. Clarifying the ‘Why’ can give us the motivation and drive to put full energy into the task. Or, conversely, if the ‘Why’ is not coming from a place of authenticity, it can help us step back and reassess. All of this awareness helps us be intentional with our improvement.
Wishing you superb improvement and do get in touch if needed!
Helping Young Professionals and Postgraduate Students Improve