What is the Role of a Coachee (You)?

Hello Reader, 

Let’s explore the role of a coachee - your role. A coachee is much more than a client, or customer, or user, or consumer, who is just a vague entity on the other end of an app or dining at a restaurant. No, a coachee is You, and you are full of discoveries, experiences, ideas, and dreams. You are an entire world unto yourself; with life, growth, decay, sunshine, beauty, turmoil and creation all interwoven inside of you. And it is your role to bring all of Yourself to the coaching relationship.

Within this mindset, there are two components which contribute most significantly to your effectiveness as a coachee; Preparation and Drive. 

It is your journey that we are on … What is your destination?

It is your journey that we are on … What is your destination?

Firstly, considering preparation, it is your responsibility to come to coaching with a destination in mind. Coaching revolves around the coachee - it is your journey we are on, therefore it is up to you to define where we are going and what we are exploring. However, the specifics of the vision can vary wildly, for example, the goals can be broad, such as, to understand yourself better, find direction in life, seek to improve one’s relationships, become more independent, gain self-confidence, manage stress, etc. Conversely, your destination could be specific; pass this exam, find an investor, better your posture, spend more time with the family, etc.. The key point here, my friends, is that you have to have a reason to sign up for coaching, but that reason can range from undefined to very defined. 

Secondly, a coachee has to be driven - you have to want to reach your destination! A coaching journey is not easy. In fact, it is probably going to be very challenging, for if you could do it on your own, you would perhaps not be exploring the need for a coach ;). There will be rough seas to sail, deserts for you to cross, uncharted trials for you to discover, and desserts for you to resist. My role, as a coach, is to support your journey, but it is up to you to be the engine and propel yourself forward. The key point is that it is your responsibility to give every ounce of effort you possess to realizing your vision! 

The more you put into coaching, the more you get out of it …

Have fun and happy doing!

Helping Postgraduate Students and Young Professionals Improve