Satisficer or Maximiser
What type of DEcision Maker are you?
Hello Reader,
What type of decision maker are you?
Maximiser Scale - Score Yourself
According to leading psychologists, Barry Schwartz and Andrew Ward, there are two main categories of decision makers; Satisficers and Maximisers.
A Satisficer, as you can see, is someone who aims to make a decision that is good enough.
The term blends together ‘satisfy’ & ‘suffice,’ which highlights the mindset of finding a solution that meets the needs of the situation but does not go overboard. When approaching a decision, a Satisficer identifies a set of clear criteria to judge the options, so that it is obvious if the objective has been fulfilled. This type of decision making caters the research and effort to the stakes of the decision; therefore, if it is a low stakes decision without significant long-term consequences, then an equivalent effort is put into the decision. All of these factors mean that a Satisficer is able to commit to their decision, knowing that the solution satisfies the criteria.
A Maximiser, on the other hand, is someone who strives to find the perfect solution when making a decision.
In contrast to the Satisficer, the criteria for judging options is ambiguous, as the uncertainty and infinite range of possibilities makes it impossible to know if the perfect choice has been made. How do we know if we ate the perfect burger? How do we know if we chose to rent the best flat? This attitude propels Maximisers to put an excessive amount of research and effort into every decision, regardless of the stakes. All of these factors mean that we are inclined to continually ask ourselves ‘What if?’ and to compare our choices with the people around us, as we strive to find the perfect solution.
As you will have gathered, Schwartz & Ward suggest that we should lean into the mindset of a Satisficer. I agree, but I also know that I have elements of Maximiser in me - pushing me to aim for perfect. Therefore, my philosophy is to aim for Excellent Enough; having all the components of a Satisficer but striving for a smidgeon better than just ‘good enough’, adequate, or satisfactory. For me, it looks like this:
Reader, you are now aware of the two different types of Decision Makers; Satisficer and Maximiser. Wishing you an abundance of joy and enthusiasm as you apply this knowledge to your decisions.
Further Learning - Barry Schwartz’ Ted Talk on the Paradox of Choice; brilliant insight and highly recommended if you want to continue exploring decision making.
Happy doing!
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