Why do we Procrastinate?
Hello Reader,
Why do you procrastinate?
Take a moment to think that question through. Mull it over. Ponder for a smidgeon.
Thank you :)
We often procrastinate because we fear the outcome; we are anxious about failing or nervous we don’t have the ability to accomplish the task … so, why start? Let’s just put that conversation off a little longer, ignore our taxes for another week, avoid working on that presentation.
Solution: The tool you can apply in this situation is asking yourself; what is the outcome of inaction? By exploring the consequence of doing nothing, we understand that choice already has an outcome, and it urges us to consider … will you regret your inaction? Will it be worse if you don’t have that conversation?
Does your task feel too big? Are you feeling overwhelmed by what’s in front of you? We sometimes procrastinate if we don’t know how to begin, or we are overloaded by so many tasks that we can’t understand the starting point.
Solution: break your project down into bite size chunks! Lay out the different steps to complete the task. The smaller and more precise the actions, the better, because then you will know exactly what needs to be done first in order to make progress towards the outcome!
Have you ever avoided a task because your creation is not going to be what you envision? Stopped painting, singing, cooking, dancing, writing, etc., before you even started because you believe your outcome will be pitiful in comparison to others. We can procrastinate because we want it to be perfect, but we believe our attempts will be inadequate.
Solution: Remember, masters don’t become masters in one go! We have to practice. The first draft is meant to be messy! The solution here is to try it ... realise that our creation is not going to be perfect right away. Give it a go and continue improving!
I’ll do the dishes later … How often do we have a task in front of us that is not hitting the right buttons? It is not exciting. It is boring. It is dull. Anything but repeatedly entering the hundreth piece of data into the excel sheet! We can procrastinate if we are unmotivated by a task.
Solution: ask yourself why. Why is this task on your list? How does it fit into the larger picture? Exploring the reasons a task is on your list will refocus you. Even if it is unengaging, you know why you need to get it done. Nothing to it but to do it!
My essay is not due for a month … What's the point in starting now? I know that I only work well when I am close to the deadline! We often leave a task for later if there is no pressing need to finish it right now.
Solution: A common solution for a lack of pressure is to create our own deadlines. Alas, I have found that doesn’t work for me. If I make an arbitrary deadline, I can just as easily push that date back! So, I urge you to add an accountability partner into the equation who can help keep you on track. With someone else expecting progress by a certain time, we will be considerably less likely to procrastinate!
Procrastination. We all do it. We all avoid certain tasks. We all leave things for tomorrow. We all get distracted. It is human nature. Whichever way you may be procrastinating, I urge you to explore the emotion associated with the task. With that emotional awareness, you will have a significantly greater understanding of why you are avoiding the task. Thus allowing you to begin working on a solution.
Good luck - you got this!
Helping Young Professionals & Postgraduate Students Improve
Why do you procrastinate? I posed this same question to twenty-five participants in my Productivity Workshop Webinar - here are some of their conclusions … Do they resonate with your answer?
Task is too daunting, too overwhelming, too big!
I am intimidated or anxious about the task - worried about doing it right.
Because there is no rush to finish the task.
I am not feeling confident in my ability to accomplish the task.
Unpleasant task!
Overload and too many expectations!