Introduction to Productivity: What & Why
Hello Reader,
What is Productivity?
Productivity is working efficiently through tasks in pursuit of a desired outcome.
This means we are being efficient; no wasted time, energy, focus, movements, etc.. Secondly, it means that productivity is geared towards a desired outcome - we are not just being busy. No, we are being productive, we are working towards something. In its most basic form, productivity is getting things done without faffing about.
Why be Productive?
Reader, what is driving you to be productive? Take a moment to mull that over ...
I asked a workshop full of wonderful people why they want to be productive and two key themes were revealed.
Accomplish More: Firstly, we want to be productive so that we can get things done, achieve our goals, and move forward in life. We want to finish our dissertation in good time. We want to hunt for jobs effectively. We want to plant thousands of trees. We want to accomplish more in less time.
Feel Good: Secondly, being productive promotes a sense of fulfilment, pride and satisfaction in our day’s work, meaning that we have earned our rest. Plant 3000 trees, boyo, you have earned that delicious cold beverage and a hearty meal!
Scroll down to the bottom of the article if you would like to see a full list of responses to this question from my productivity workshop participants.
Philosophy: Productive for an Outcome
We are not practicing productivity for the sake of productivity; for me, that is just busyness. We are being productive so that we can soak in the results of our work. We are diligently powering through our essay so that we can get a distinction in our course! We are planting thousands of trees so that we can earn the most possible money in the season and have enough money to travel afterwards. I am getting all the things done during the work day so that I can be stress free and exuberant in the evening with my family and friends.
We are being productive so that we can soak in the bubbling joys of our work.
Happy Doing!
Helping Young Professionals & Postgraduate Students Improve
Answers from Productivity Workshop (perhaps they resonate with you …)
To get things done and feel better about it by the end of the day
To accomplish more in life
To reach my yearly goals
add value
To start my own business
Accomplish more goals / faster
Not wasted time
To get more things done
Want to keep my mind occupied while isolated
To finish my day feeling like I have accomplished something
To work on my priorities and obtain my goals
To manage my dissertation and job searching effectively!
You can control your time better
To get the uni work done
Need to get things done and move forward
Improve my financial situation as well as to maintain a good balance
To get things done and not leave things unfinished.
Feel good
So I can achieve and continue moving forward
To increase and shape my skills or gain new skills
Finish more of the 'must-do's' and have more time for the 'want do's'
Sense of fulfilment and being motivated
It satisfied the need of competence to a certain extent
Achieve goals faster and actually be able to enjoy the journey
Be efficient with time
Work less hours but be more efficient
Getting my dream job
Become better than yesterday