Emotional Independence
Walk to the beat of your own drum.
Hi Reader,
What is Emotional Independence?
Emotional Independence is the ability to stand true to our own emotions. It is the capacity to recognise the emotions of others, but not depend on, or get swept up by, them.
Why is Emotional Independence important?
Emotional Independence is at the core of being our authentic selves. Firstly, to flip the term around, emotional dependence is when we rely on others for our happiness, decision making and validation. In this dependent state, it is common for us to be swept up in the mood of a room, need reassurance for our decisions, assume the same feelings as those around us, and even take on their emotional baggage.
Conversely, the ability to be emotionally independent is at the heart of walking to the beat of our own drum. It means we can take the initiative. It means we can recognise the emotions of others, but not be consumed by them. It means we can do our own thing. It means we can be ourselves.
Testing (baby steps) - try out a new thing / make a decision on our own. Start small.
Example: Go out to a restaurant or to a movie on your own. Or just go for a walk on your own.
Recognise and Release - when in a group setting, recognise the mood of the room (it will take practice), acknowledge that it is influencing us, then release it.
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