Right, think about a time when you were in school.

Good - thank you. Now, what is the opposite of the first word in the above sentence?

Excellent, now, what is the opposite of the second last word in the first sentence?

Sweeto, ignore the two words that you have just discovered for a bit and describe that school experience to one of your team mates!

Now, imagine you were a tiger.

where am I going with this?

IN the tiger sentence just above, Combine the last letter of the first word, with the first letter of the second word and the second last letter of the second word - what is this word?


Next, Make a weird sound.

Any sound will do; A caw of crow, the whistle of a kettle, the bamboozlement of a baboon!

If you were to change weird around, you would get wired. Wired. Wired.

Don’t blow the fuse, dear treasure hunter!

This emotion portal is not making any sense!!

I get you, I get you.


Righton, you have passed go and are now in Jail.

You can give up … will you give up?

What is the opposite of Pro?

Dream of this being over!

What is going on?

Facilitator / Game Master, is this portal a joke?

ps. the button doesn’t do anything.

Within here are the clues

They are scattered.

So, here is what you need to do.

Firstly, tell one of your team mates what you are feeling right now.

Secondly, the emotion you are looking for begins with the answer to the second question under the monopoly section. (Hint. it is not amateur)

Thirdly, the second half of the emotion you are looking for is in the weird sound section … it is the ‘F’ word that is part of an idiom for losing one’s temper.

Lastly, combined the last two clues (answers) together to make the emotion :)

Thanks for sticking with that one!

you are amazing!