Emotional Cascade - A Leadership Skill

Set the emotional tone (2 Step Exercise)

Setting the emotional tone is when a leader influences similar emotions in others - the emotions are contagious, like a yawn.

If you want to excel as a sports captain, a director, a founder, a leader, then you need to be aware of the emotions you are spreading to your team. The mood you set will be picked up and it can be an exceptional skill to have in your leadership toolbox. By the end of this exercise, you will know which emotions influence you, as well as the emotions you want to share with your team.

Why is this important?

Positive emotions can boost team performance, increase motivation, and improve the morale on your team. On the other side of the coin, negative emotions can spread quickly and hinder your team’s effectiveness. The greater your awareness of the emotions you spread, the greater chance of building a high performing team.

Red Flags

Before you dive into the drill, watch out for these red flag: only displaying unhelpful emotions like anger, frustration, or bitterness. Ignoring the emotional state of your team members. Reacting impulsively without considering the emotional impact on others.

How can you apply this?

Step 1- Reflect:

In your last team interaction (practice, meeting, travel, competition), whose emotions influenced you? A teammate? A Coach? The Crowd?

Was it a positive or negative emotion that you experienced? Disappointment, frustration, and anger or excitement, pride, or inspiration?

Step 2 - Prepare:

Identify the emotions you want to encourage in your team. Examples might include excitement, pride, inspiration, confidence, and fun.

In your next team interaction, model and express those positive emotions to the best of your ability.

You will see that they are contagious.

By working with your emotions and fostering a positive mood, you can create a more cohesive and motivated team.

  • Leadership

  • Emotional Intelligence


If you want to get in touch …

LinkedIn: Jono Elliot

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