What to do? What to do? What to do?
I am pulling my hair out … I don’t know how to choose! The first option is so appealing, it looks like it would suit me perfectly. But the third option, I’m drawn to it in some unknown way - I want it! The second option is the rational choice, for sure - it does make sense. Hmmmm ….
Hello Reader,
Thank you for making the decision to read this wee introduction to decision making!
A decision is selecting an option from two or more alternatives.
The sea of decisions is endless …
We are navigating a broiling sea of options …
Our lives are riddled with decision after decision. We are constantly making up our minds; choosing which option to select, what to do, when to do it, where to go, how to do it, etc. You are making a decision right now - to read this introduction instead of checking your phone. I applaud you for that!
There are a lot of different dynamics when it comes to decision making and it is an art to successfully navigate this broiling sea of options.
Reader, why are you learning about decision making? Take a moment to reflect and ponder ...
Personally, there are a few key reasons why I am trying to improve my decision making skills.
Jono, Founder of Team Improvus and author of this blog.
Decisions are Unavoidable: As I mentioned above and as you can see in some of the answers from the workshop (below), whether we like it or not, choosing between options is a foundational part of our lives - my philosophy is that I may as well get good at it!
Personal Well Being: I have made decisions I am proud of, as well as ones I regret. For me, making effective decisions is the route to creating a balanced and joyful life; full of learning, serving and the right amount of stress.
Relationships: the consequences of my decisions do not end with me, there are often repercussions beyond my personal bubble. I want to make decisions that facilitate strong connections and build trusting relationships.
Leadership: In my various leadership roles, I have witnessed how a decision can have a significant cascading effect, influencing my team dramatically. Being able to make clear and fruitful decisions helps my team feel confident and be efficient.
WHY are others learning about Decision Making?
I asked a workshop this question and here are some of their answers.
To have a direction / To evolve / For change and growth
We can waste a lot of time and brain space on decisions daily
Growth and to help others / To achieve things
We cannot really avoid it? If we do avoid a decision, we don't move forward.
Accomplishing things rather than being frustrated by doing nothing.
I want to minimize regret. And make an informed decision.
To make your own fate / To achieve my goals
Get away from pain and move towards satisfaction
To evolve and develop as a person and in my relationships
Because every single time we face a range of options … like or not, I guess we have to choose.
I feel acutely how there is suffering when I get stuck in a state of indecisiveness. (where I am now)
Excellent, there is a wee introduction to Decision Making; what is a decision and why learn about making decisions.
Happy Doing!
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