Treasure Hunting


It is wonderful to have you here!

I have hidden 10 Coins on my website, can you find them all?

These coins were originally buried as part of my Emotional Intelligence - Virtual Treasure Hunt, but those jewels have been whisked away and can only be found at specific intervals.

In there place is the following message (seen below). Each coin you find unveils certain letters, for example, Coin 6 has the letters; ‘N’, ‘O’ & ‘P’.

Find all the coins to decipher the message :)

Happy searching!


Can you find all 10 Coins?

Decipher this Paragraph

Uncover all 10 Coins to Find all the Letters

________(8) ______ (6)

___(3) ___(3) ___(3) ____(4), __________(10) ___(3) _______(7)! _____(5) ___(3).

_(1) __(2) _________(9) __(2) ____(4) ____________(12), ____(4) __(2) ____(4) ______(6) __(2) ____(4) ___(3) _______(7) __(2) ____(4) ___(3) ____(4)!

_____(5) _____(5)!

Happy Treasure Hunting!


Emotional Intelligence - Virtual Treasure Hunt